MetaTrader 4

MetaTrader 4
MetaTrader is the world's most used Forex and CFD software. Investors trading in the Forex market can choose the platform they will trade, provided that it is compatible with the brokerages they trade. The connection between a broker's operating system and the platform occurs directly or via a bridge. There are many options for brokers and traders, but the MetaTrader 4 trading platform has become the industry's standard. Almost no brokerages do not offer direct trading via MetaTrader 4 or a link via a bridge.
What is MetaTrader 4
MetaTrader 4, also known as MT4, is a forex trading platform preferred by most brokerages and banks serving their customers in the forex market around the world. MetaTrader 4works on computer, tablet, and mobile phone. MetaTrader 4 has many technical analysis tools and forex indicators preferred by traders and traders. Investors must use a trading platform to be able to trade in the forex market. Among these platforms, the most used one is the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. It is possible to analyze the financial markets through the platform, online trading, trading, and technical analysis in the Forex market.
MetaTrader4 Key Features
MetaTrader4 (MT4) can also be defined as a popular online trading platform that can be used to automate your forex trading. Mobile trading, trading signals, and the market are shown as integral parts of MetaTrader 4, enhancing your forex trading experience.
MetaTrader 4 can be used to trade any investment instruments, including forex, indices, stocks, precious metals such as gold and silver, cryptocurrencies and commodities through CFDs.
MetaTrader4 Features and Benefits
More than 100 investment products: More than a hundred financial products such as Foreign Exchange, Shares, Indices, Precious Metals, and Commodities can be instantly traded on the platform.
Functional and User-Friendly Interface: MetaTrader 4 trading platform is the most preferred Forex trading platform. It has simple, understandable, and easy-to-use features that can appeal to all investors, from amateur users to professionals.
Practical Management of Investments and Customer Accounts: InvestOR Trading Platform allows MetaTrader users to switch directly to MetaTrader 4. Besides, MetaTrader 4 password can be changed on InvestOr. You can instantly transfer money to your "Wallet" account.
Advanced Order Types: It is possible to place market orders with a single click. Order alternatives such as Take Profit and Stop Loss are available. Order options such as trailing stop loss are integrated over positions to facilitate investor transactions.
Real-time Charts and Technical Analysis Tools: You can make high-level technical analysis with hundreds of technical indicators and advanced drawing tools in 9 different time periods, and you can do all your technical work through your recordable templates.
Instant report and risk tracking: Users can view their account statements in a report at any time and instantly monitor your portfolio risks arising from your current open orders.
Meta Trader 4 Expert Advisor: Expert advisor technology is a new method that will save you from dealing with routine operations that you regularly do. Expert consultants are written in "Metaquotes language 4" (MQL4). Thanks to expert advisors, you can automatically analyze the market situation, open and close positions, change or delete position orders.
Brief History Of MetaTrader 4
MT4 was developed in 2005 by the software company MetaQuotes. MT4 uses the MQL4 programming language. Although MetaTrader is most associated with forex trading, it is used to trade many investment instruments, including forex, indices, stocks, precious metals such as gold and silver, cryptocurrencies, and commodities CFDs.
The MetaTrader platform gained popularity with investors shortly after its release. The main reasons for this were the addition of a large number of third-party scripts and expert advisors to serve users. Some brokers have started to offer MetaTrader as an optional alternative to their trading platforms through third-party scripts.
The platform is now compatible with almost all forex firms. Nowadays, it has become a standard for brokers to offer their users the opportunity to trade via MetaTrader 4.
Is MetaTrader 4 Safe?
The main reason for the popularity of the platform is the trust it offers to its users. MetaTrader is a legal trading platform. In addition to encrypting all data between the investor and the server, MetaTrader 4 hides the investors' IP address to increase security significantly when making any investments and transactions through the platform.
Another important issue for investors is the privacy of user information. Investors want to know their financial situation. That is, their portfolios and personal information on the platform are safe. Cyber attacks and hacking are among the highest risks associated with forex trading. At this point, MetaTrader 4 is one of the safest software in the industry.
MetaTrader 4, the forex brokerage you choose is also important, so it is important to do thorough research when choosing a broker. Not all MetaTrader 4 brokers can be trusted.
MetaTrader 4 is a reliable platform. Both your personal data and investments are safe, but it should be remembered that forex trading itself is risky. In short, investing in assets whose value changes suddenly and greatly according to market conditions is risky, especially for new users. At this point, with MetaTrader 4 risk management warnings and tools, it enables users to make risk analysis and see the risk levels of the instruments they will invest.
Metatrader How It Works
MetaTrader is software as a result. This software is licensed to forex companies that offer their customers the possibility to use it. The software consists of a client and a server component. As the first component, the server is provided as a brokerage firm by the forex firm preferred by the client. The second component, software, is used by investors to manage their accounts, trade, and monitor live price movements and charts.
MetaTrader provides two types of trading orders:
- a) Pending orders are executed only when the price reaches a predefined level.
- b) Market orders can be executed in one of four modes:
- Instant execution
- Market execution
- Stock market execution
- Request execution
Orders placed through MetaTrader 4 take place at instant rates at the current market price. If a pending order is executed, the trade is an order to buy or sell a security at a predetermined price or market condition in the future.
How to Use MetaTrader 4
- MetaTrader 4 program can be downloaded from the official website and mobile application stores. Later, each user can sign up for the platform by opening a demo account through a forex company of their choice.
- MetaTrader 4's mobile platform provides full control over your trading account, and you can access your account anytime, anywhere.
- The demo account is a type of account where users who do not have experience in the forex market can make transactions with virtual money without depositing money.
- MetaTrader 4 supports more than 30 languages. In this way, it is used on a global scale. During the installation phase, the user can choose his own language from the language option.
- In the mobile application, there are important topics such as quotation, graphics, transaction, news, history, economic calendar.
- In the section titled Quotation, the investment instruments that users can trade are listed.
- In the graphics section, you can find the graphics of all products in MetaTrader 4. Advanced graphic features allow you to interpret graphics and draw on the graphic.
- You can use the time menu to change the time span on a price chart. The time interval you can choose ranges from 1 minute to 1 month.
- Along with 30 built-in technical indicators, the MetaTrader code base and thousands of additional chart indicators available for download from the mobile store are at users' disposal.